Professional & Research Projects

Community Development in Exmouth, Western Australia, 1986-2016.

Capstone Project, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Presented to UNL Graduate Committee: November 6, 2016.

Location: Exmouth Western Australia.

Key Lessons:

  • The community experienced a socio-economic shift in the 1990s and early 2000s from a defense-centric community to an eco-tourism hotspot.
  • Community Development programs are largely funded by the state government.
  • Eco-tourism is a growing sector in Western Australia but has roots on the Northwest Cape since the 1960s.
  • Future growth is expected to be dependent on diversifying the economy, promoting Exmouth and the Ningaloo Reef as a global tourism destination, and improving and updating the local infastructure and services.
  • Technology and Skills Utilized:

  • ArcMap 10.5
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Microsoft Office: Excel, Word, PowerPoint
  • UNL Capstone, Final Report.

    UNL Capstone, Presentation Slides.

    Note: This page is still in development.

    @Kirsten Chamberlain, 2017.