Visual Portfolio

Graphic Design in Cartography UW-Madison (GEOG572).

"Cars Universe" Movie Styled Map Tileset

Click on the image below to access the interactive map.

Cars Universe Map

December, 2017.

The purpose of this assignment was to create a map tileset using a pixar movie theme for a unique style. This required the use of an inspiration board from movie scenes and related content to recreate the style.

Great Australian Outback Adventure

Auzzie Road Trip Map

October, 2017.

The purpose of this assignment was to create a terrain representation that incorporated land cover and a route. The route is based on my family's camping road trip around the western half of the Australian Continent in 2016.

Longform Infographic: The Next Crop of Farmers

Longform Infographic

September, 2017.

Our first assignment for the course was to create a longform infographic that incorporated multiple maps and data representations. The idea is based on a project I completed in a previous course.

Note: As this portfolio continues to develop, new samples will be added to display my personal efforts and abilities.

Note: This page is still in development.

@Kirsten Chamberlain, 2017.